Adam Leith
I currently work as a UX Platform Engineer at Posthog. I specialize in building fast & accessible web applications using modern technologies with a high attention to detail in terms of design and UX. I write about frontend development, design and user experience
Blog posts
- September 08, 2024, (5 months ago) 1K page views
Extend Sonner for more expressive App notifications with React, Typescript, and Tailwind
Create an accessible notification system for your app built on top of Sonner.
sonnernotificationsaccessibilityreacttypescriptdarkmodetailwind - August 29, 2024, (6 months ago) 1K page views
Tailwind merge limitations and the lost classes
How to use use tailwind merge and it's mergeConfigs() for when creating custom classes in Tailwind CSS without losing classes.
tailwindtailwind mergecss - August 28, 2024, (6 months ago) 1K page views
Accessible pricing cards
Create an accessible pricing card using React, Typescript, React Hook Form, and Radix UI.
accessibilityreacttypescriptreact-hook-formradix-uiradio-group - August 26, 2024, (6 months ago) 1K page views
Import files into MDX and render as code blocks (with code highlighting)
Showcaseing your code snippets in Nextjs + MDX by importing the raw file
mdxnextjsdxblogimportcode - August 26, 2024, (6 months ago) 1K page views
Easy text loading skeletons
How to create loading skeletons for your website that match your text perfectly to reduce layout shift
uxloadinglayout-shift - August 24, 2024, (6 months ago) 1K page views
Hide underlaying HTML background on inertia bounce
How to prevent HTML background color from showing behind content when scrolling with inertia
uxscrollcsshacks - August 23, 2024, (6 months ago) 1K page views
Forms: Input password
How to properly implement other functionality to input fields